Download the Pediatric Practice Comparison Report Now.

Ready For Take Off In 2022?

The Pediatric Practice Comparison Report provides real practice data to help owners get the insight they need to rocket past their 2022 goals.

Pediatric practice numbers soared last year, especially in many of the key metrics like production and collections. Find these stats and many other valuable insights right here in the new Pediatric Practice Comparison Report.

Use this FREE benchmarking tool to:

  • Compare key numbers to your peers
  • Leverage trends to get ahead in 2022
  • Identify areas to improve
  • Target areas for future growth

A Quick Look At 2021

Broken out as a percentage of total collections

Get the Report For More Invaluable Insights

CPA Insight On Profitability

“This past year was one of growth for our pediatric practices. Production and collections soared. Overhead remained consistent as practices had yet to feel the pains of inflation and rising staff salaries—allowing profitability to grow. But it’s going to be really important to focus on overhead in 2022, everything is changing and this year will be challenging. It will be more important than ever to take the lessons learned from the data and use them as a guide for this year and next.”
Keith Klein, CPA, Financial Planner

More Questions The Pediatric Report Can Answer

  • Are my collections in line with practices my size?
  • Am I paying more in staff salaries than I should?
  • Was my net profit higher than my peers?

About Cain Watters

CWA is a national firm specializing in financial planning, accounting and tax services for dental practices of all sizes and specialties. We understand the business side of the industry, and are committed to helping our clients achieve their personal and practice financial goals.

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